
daily rant

it's official - I'm a leader- constantly being followed. i can't walk room to room with out having someone on my tail. if it's not Gavin, it's scooter. i don't mind Gavin so much, BC he isn't as big as scooter & scooter wont MOVE! i think he enjoys getting right under my butt and watching me bust my booty when he doesn't skedaddle. i guess things could be worse. at least i know they both love me enough to follow me around. in their eyes I'm cool, and that's all that matters. hopefully, my coolness won't die down as Gavin gets older...

so, about these thieves that live in my neighborhood. yea, I'm quite ill with the whole situation. i know who they are, it's friggin' obvious. there are 7 houses on our road with ours included & the stealers. in the past two weeks three of the houses have been broken into. my neighbors to my left - thank god they weren't home - they stole their TVs, money, and some of her jewelry. we were at the beach when this happened, and I'm thinking they used our backyard to get into theirs... this past Sat. the older man down the road came to tell us they had broken into his house while he wasn't home. & there's a house for rent that has been broken into. 3 houses, total. our car has been broken into & our radio ganked. two cars at the house for rent - windows broke radios gone. & yesterday our neighbor to the right had his truck window busted out. so basically, everyone on this road has had something happen to their house or car except for THEM! you'd think the cops would put two and two together right? apparently not. & you'd think maybe they'd patrol this area more now, but NOPE I've not seen any cops ride around.
I'm just really worried that they're going to try to break in our house. you know, break in the car all you want... I'm not in the car & neither is Gavin. but, you trying to break into my house is not going to go over with me. i will shoot you, stab you, or kick you in the balls. maybe they haven't attempted our house BC we have a dog - and he barks - and maybe he would attack someone, if i said "get 'em boy" or "ouch" cus he does when i say that around don... i hope my dog scares them off, cus i really don't want to go through jail/court or anything BC i shot a thief! & i don't think don would bail me out of jail - HA.
I'm so worried. I'm sick on my tummy. I'm anxious. I'm constantly looking outside & hearing things. i used to have a hard time going to sleep before all of this happened, BC i thought if something were to happen, it would at night, right? no, this has all happened during the DAY. that's whats crazy - who does that? my nerves are shot. I'm not able to sleep. & i can't seem to nap in the daytime now BC i think somethings going to happen and I'm not going to be able to stop them. granted, scooter will bark and let me know somethings going on. but, i don't know what i would do if i were put in that situation... it really scares me. think about it, if they're breaking into all these houses and stealing things - there has to be a reason. are they on drugs? if so, there's no telling what they'd do to me if i tried to stop them. they might shoot my dog. but, what about Gavin. OM GOSH. i need a security system. and i need a nerve pill. i need sleep. i need i need i need.

is it normal for someone to obsess about this? even before all this happened, I'd have racing thoughts at night about the scenario of something breaking in... and now someone around here really are breaking in houses - so my mind is like on double time - and i can't seem to stop it. it's driving me crazy. i just want to push pause on my thoughts and be able to have five minutes to myself without obsessing about this stupid crap.

anyhow. Gavin's got a boo boo. at this age, it seems like he's a crawling catastrophe. seems like he's constantly falling down, bumping his head, etc. poor fella. i just don't want to take him out & ppl think i hit my kid. he's got a bruise on his noggin' from crawling into the wall, and a scrape on his chin from falling down on the jack in the box. on top of his 'ouchies' he won't stay clean! I'm thinking it's a boy thing, idk. but, he gets dirt in places i didn't know were possible! how does his fingernails get dirt under them? he doesn't play in dirt! his feet get dirty, his face, his hands, i mean everywhere! last night at bath time i went to take his socks off & they were black with dirt... how!? he doesn't even walk yet. so, needless to say Gavin gets a bath every night. sometimes, i wish i could skip it so i can shower - but i don't get nearly as messy as he does. & who cares if I'm a dirty mom. HA.

I'm going to cook some country fried steak stuff tonight. with gravy. and rice. served with a side of yum.

my birthday is coming up. like, a few days up. twenty-four. oldie.goldie.hawn.

the end.

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