
week one.

I've officially made it through week one of my second semester at school. I'm taking His 132, which covers the second part of American History - from the late 1800's till now. & I'm rather excited about it too. I've got a different professor than the one I had last semester & he teaches completely different. I don't know if I'm going to enjoy the class as much as I did last semester. Oh well, it's still interesting. & I'm taking a math. :( stupid math 80. yes, I'm dumb when it comes to math. I hate it. But, it must be done. It's a 2+ hr long class, and the teacher's perfume smells awful. it gives me a headache. hopefully, i can stay with it & do well in this class. atleast i'm able to use a calculator. -- i had to buy one. the TI-83 - it was 140$. ouch.

i'm taking online classes too. english & sociology. i was signed up for a word processing class, but i dropped it. it'll just be busy work & take up my time to work on my other classes. i'm going to need all the free time i possibly can get to work on my other classes. & i'm shooting for all A's this semester. i refuse to get a B by one point again.

the house is still clean! i'm not going to get behind in that category either. gavin & i washed dishes last night. he's such a big helper. he gets mad when we're finished though. he'd rather stand in the chair & play in the water.

it's going to be pretty today & that makes me so happy. i need pretty days. it was semi warm yesterday so gavin & i spent most of the afternoon outside. it was wonderful. i can't wait for spring. i need to get to the store & purchase some bulbs to plant so i'll have a pretty yard this spring.

ahh i guess that's it for today. byyyes.

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